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You've placed your first order. Now What?

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Welcome to the common ground family

We are so excited that you decided to become a member of our family! We know our Common Ground products can do so much good for you, so thank you for trusting us with your health!

Everything we have created is for you. From building relationships with the hemp farmers here in Colorado, to choosing packaging that will keep your products lasting, it's all to make sure you know you are taken care of.

What you should expect

Your order will arrive in 3-4 days. It will come in a biodegradable poly-mailer that keeps everything under wraps and discrete. 

Once you get through that (which can be thrown in the recycling bin, but if by chance you forget to recycle it, it's ok - Biodegradable means that it will decompose in a landfill and not contribute to the masses of plastic waste polluting the earth!) - You will find your box with our products inside. 

Accompanying the products is a basic instruction card for our tinctures. That will give you an idea of dosing as well as reaffirm that the most effect method of application is sublingually. Sublingually just means that you apply your desired dose under your tongue and let it sit there for a minute. The tissue under your tongue is super absorbent and will help insure that you get the most out of your new bottle of CBD! 

Most of our products are packaged in Miron Ultra-Violet glass. This glass is pretty dang expensive. But the good news is that once you have it, you can keep it and reuse it for all kinds of products. We will publish a blog article shortly with ideas on how to best reuse your Common Ground jars and bottles. 

This glass keeps the product fresher than any other bottling alternative. Most CBD products are delivered in plastic or in clear or amber glass. We do everything possible to minimize our plastic consumption and 

Now what?

Now you can impatiently wait for your package to arrive! As you are waiting, take a gander through our blog posts so you can keep yourself up to date with education and knowledge surrounding CBD.

Once you get your package, read the insert. It has everything you need to know about how to take your Common Ground products and what doseage you should be using. 

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